Side of Plaza, Santa Fe, N. M." 1866
of Virginia City, Nev., from a nearby hillside, 1867--68. By O'Sullivan
view in Corinne, Boxelder Co., Utah." Close-up view of several shops. By
Jackson, 1869
Wyo., 1876." General view of this town on the Oregon Trail
in 1876." General view of the Dakota Territory gold rush town from a
hillside above. By S. J. Morrow
in Deadwood Gulch, Black Hills [Dak. Terr.], 1876." Log cabins under
construction at the foot of a hillside
Park Co., Montana, Looking North East, 1887." A onesided street backed up
to rocky foothills
City, lnd. Terr., in 1889
Eye View of Winslow, looking East." Atlantic and Pacific Railway cars on
converging tracks in the foreground of the arid Arizona terrain, ca. 1890
Ave Guthrie [OkIa. Terr.] looking east from 1st St., May, 1893
Panoramic view of
Oklahoma Territory flatlands. By Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennett, January 1894
storm that passed over Midland, Texas, February 20, 1894 at 6:00 p.m."
Windmills and houses visible just below the whirling sand
"Nogales, Santa Cruz Co. Showing boundary line between Arizona and Mexico." Ca.
189~99. By W I Neumann
Flagstaff, Ariz. Terr. Street view of post office, other buildings, and people, with mountains
in background, ca. 1899. By G. Ben Wittick
of Imperial, from ice plant water tank, July 9, 1904
The City of Oil Derricks." Panoramic view of an Oklahoma Territory town a
year after the discovery of oil there. By Dick Man, 1905
town in a mountain valley in Idaho. By Burt L. Wheeler November 1909